Nobel Peace Prize Controversies and Mahatma Gandhi
79What Is The Relation Between Nobel Peace Prize and Mahatma Gandhi
Whenever a prize is proclaimed or declared anywhere in the world, it is not a new thing for controversies & conflicts to follow regarding the qualifications or the right for the person who has won the prize. After the forties each time the Nobel Peace Prize is declared there is always a question that arises. Why Mahatma Gandhi was never given Nobel Prize? Many disciples of Mahatma Gandhi, those who respected his ideologies, those who built up workshops similar to his were at sometime or the other found place in nominations or recommended for the Prize.
Both the American president Barack Obama who respected Gandhiji’s principles & Younus MohammadGrameen banks, received this honor. But this honor never came along Gandhiji’s way. Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela, Vangari that many....let us simply check why this happened. from Bangladesh, who created an alternative method for economy stabilization to help the poor by introducing the idea to set up
The rules & regulations behind the prize that Gandhi did not receive & the award deciding committee’s take on the issue is very surprising .Five times Gandhi was nominated for the Nobel Prize. In that only, three times he found place in the final list. But he did not receive the prize. Some of the jury’s views on this issue s like this; Mahatma Gandhi was a strong supporter of Indian Nationalism. Many times it felt like Jesus Christ, at the same time he was a normal politician. This is one limitation according to the Jury...
Both the American president Barack Obama who respected Gandhiji’s principles & Younus MohammadGrameen banks, received this honor. But this honor never came along Gandhiji’s way. Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela, Vangari that many....let us simply check why this happened. from Bangladesh, who created an alternative method for economy stabilization to help the poor by introducing the idea to set up
The rules & regulations behind the prize that Gandhi did not receive & the award deciding committee’s take on the issue is very surprising .Five times Gandhi was nominated for the Nobel Prize. In that only, three times he found place in the final list. But he did not receive the prize. Some of the jury’s views on this issue s like this; Mahatma Gandhi was a strong supporter of Indian Nationalism. Many times it felt like Jesus Christ, at the same time he was a normal politician. This is one limitation according to the Jury...
Mahatma Gandhi never received the Nobel Peace Prize, though he was nominated for it five times between 1937 and 1948.
How Nobel Prize is Decided ?
The Nobel Prize should be given to a person for his community works or to the leaders? The world criticized Theodore Roosevelt’s Nobel Prize by asking this question. Questions were also raised against the German Nobel Prize winner in 1935, Carl von Ossietzky. In the past he has become a prisoner of Hitler.
Another committee’s take on the issues are as follows; actually it is difficult to decide whether he was a politician, idealist, social worker, or person who worked only for world peace. Sometimes he was all these. Therefore the jury showed helplessness to judge him.
Gandhiji showed us the example of non-violence Satyagraha. A life example which is considered very difficult to follow. Gandhiji was considered for the Nobel Prize in the years 1937, 1938, 1939, 1947.The next year (1948) after which he was considered last for the Prize in ’47, he was shot dead.
Another committee’s take on the issues are as follows; actually it is difficult to decide whether he was a politician, idealist, social worker, or person who worked only for world peace. Sometimes he was all these. Therefore the jury showed helplessness to judge him.
Gandhiji showed us the example of non-violence Satyagraha. A life example which is considered very difficult to follow. Gandhiji was considered for the Nobel Prize in the years 1937, 1938, 1939, 1947.The next year (1948) after which he was considered last for the Prize in ’47, he was shot dead.
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