2. A diamond will not dissolve in acid. The only thing that can destroy it is intense heat.
3. According to Moore's Law, microchips double in power every 18 to 24 months.
4. Albert Einstein won the Nobel Prize for physics in 1921.
5. Although the famous first flight at Kitty Hawk took place on December 17, 1903, the secretive Wright Brothers did not demonstrate the technology to the broader public until August 8, 1908.
6. As of early 2009, there have been 113 space shuttle flights since the program began in 1981.
7. Bill Clinton's inauguration in January 1997 was the first to be webcast.
8. Chuck Yeager blasted through the sound barrier at Edwards Air Force Base in 1947.
9. Einstein received the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921 for his explanation of the photoelectric effect, the phenomenon by which electrons are knocked out of matter by electromagnetic radiation such as light.
10. In 1901, the Spanish engineer Leonar do Torres-Quevedo was responsible for the earliest developments in the remote control with his Telekine that was able to do "mechanical movements at a distance."