AA History In Photos
Bill Wilson Just Before the War(Bill Wilson, back row, far right) Winchester Cathedral Tombstone A Young Bill Wilson on Horseback Traveling in the Early Days with Lois Early Lois PictureLois Wilson along with Anne B. would become the founders of what is now known as Al-Anon Family Groups. Mayflower Hotel LobbyWhere Bill Wilson made the call that led him to Dr. Bob. Postcard from the Mayflower Hotel Mayflower Hotel Telephone A Smiling Bill Wilson In Uniform Bill & Lois (1918) The Wilson's with their Harley Lois on the Harley Cleveland Members Prior to the 1950 Conference Bill & Lois Later in Life 2000 International ConventionsOver 50,000 attendees. Amazingly, over 50% had over 11 years + sobriety The Career Officer (Big Book Author) Ebby ThatcherBill Wilson's Sponsor Dr. Bob Portrait in the Smith Home - Akron, OH Dr. Bob Portrait Inscription from plaque on Dr. Bob's desk which to him best described humility Dr. Bob & Anne Smith Dr. Bob & Anne Smith Home in Akron, OH Dr. Bob & Anne Smith Kitchen Sue Smith Windows Typewriter Sue Smith - Dr. Bob's Daughter AA Cofounders, Bill Wilson & Dr. Bob Smith Bill Wilson & Ebby Thatcher Clarence S. "Home Brewmeister" later in life "Stepping Stones", Bill's & Lois's HomeIn the spring of 1941, the Wilson's moved into their house. After 23 years of marriage, Lois and Bill finally had a home of their own. The Wilson's lived in the house for the rest of their lives. Bill spent almost 30 years there until his death in January 1971 at age 75. Lois lived on 17 years longer. A Page from the Original Draft of the Big Book Lois Wilson Ebby's Headstone - Albany Rural Cemetery, Albany NY Bill Wilson c. 1940's Bill Wilson & his sister Dorothy Bill Wilson's high school picture Rowland HazardThe Oxford Group member who carried the message of recovery from alcoholism by spiritual means to Ebby Thatcher, Bill Wilson's self-proclaimed sponsor. Bill's Desk at Wit's End, Bedford Hills, NY The Wilson House - East Dorset, VT Bill Wilson's Birth place. Wilson House literature table Bill Wilson at an AA Meeting Bill Wilson's obituary Dr. Bob's prescription pad Works Publishing stock certificate 1939 Liberty Magazine cover and articleLiberty Magazine offered AA it's first national exposure Clarence Snyder's tombstone (Home Brewmeister) Classic Bill W. portrait T. Henry & Clarace WilliamsActive members of the Oxford Group, T. Henry and Clarace held meetings in their home. Termed “The Alcoholic Squad,” Dr. Bob, Bill D., HenriettaSeiberling, Anne Smith, Henrietta Dotson and other Oxford Groupers gathered in the Williams’ home for Wednesday night meetings from the summer of 1935 through late 1939, moving then to Dr. Bob’s for a few weeks, and from there to King School in January 1940. T. Henry and Clarace were criticized by many Oxford Group members who did not support their efforts to extend the program primarily to alcoholics. Ohio Historical Marker The Carriage house at the Seiberling estate in Akron, OH Henrietta SeiberlingThough not herself an alcoholic, Henrietta had enormous compassion for the plights of the “medically incurable” alcoholics who found their way into the fledgling Akron experiment that began in 1935. Against the vehement wishes of her family, Henrietta was an active member of the Oxford Group, organizing meetings and spreading the principles, literature and practices of the movement. She was also the catalyst who got Dr. Bob interested in the meetings and the Oxford Group. She died on December 5, 1979 with an unwavering belief that alcoholics could be cured through a spiritual program. Rev. Samuel ShoemakerRev. Samuel M. Shoemaker was the pastor at Calvary Episcopal Church in New York where he headed the Oxford Group there. He was also a great friend of early AA Bill D. with Helen B. (an early Grapevine Editor) Dr. William Duncan Silkworth Dr. Silkworth World War I Picture Plattsburg, NY 1911-1918Dr. William Duncan Silkworth has probably treated more alcoholics than any other physician in history. Dr. Silkworth authored the “Doctor’s Opinion” which appears in the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous. Dr. Silkworth died of a heart attack at his home in 1951 Ruth Hock Ruth Hock was AA's first secretary and typed the manuscript for the Big Book Young Dr. Bob Bill & Lois after Dr. Bob's Funeral Bill D. & Sue, Dr. Bob's Daughter Bill Wilson visiting a new member in a hospital Bill & Lois in Christmas photo Bill W. & Dr. Bob on vinyl recordsIn April, 1947 Rockhill Recording released a two record set of Bill W. and Dr. Bob speaking. 182 Clinton Street, Burnham TownhouseBill's & Lois's Home and Meeting Place John D. Rockefeller, Early AA Advocate Bill Wilson at Dr. Bob's grave Sister IgnatiaSister Ignatia befriended Dr. Thomas P. Scuderi, (an emergency room intern who later became Medical Director at St. Thomas Hospital). She convinced him that alcoholics were sick and accident-prone and persuaded Dr. Scuderi to allow them to “rest” in the hospital prior to release. Dr. Scuderi and Sister Ignatia secretly treated Bill D. (later to become AA #3) prior to his meeting Dr. Bob and Bill. She also worked with Dr. Bob, treating the first 5,000 alcoholics for free. Sister Ignatia gave each of her newly released patients a Sacred Heart medallion, which she asked them to return before they took the first drink Read The Eulogy Of Sister Ignatia By Rev. Thomas L. Cooan Dr. Harry M. Tiebout Dr. Harry M. Tiebout was the first psychiatrist to see in A.A. a significant approach to the treatment of alcoholics. |
The blog is mainly a general knowledge page for all age groups who are interested in improving their knowledge. I have tried to make the explanations as simple as I can. I have made use of tht for gathering the facts.
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