Heart Healthy Breakfast Ideas
Food is our fuel. The breakfast is the most important meal of the day. We can fuel our body with healthy food to give a rejuvenating start to our day. Many scientific studies have proved beyond doubt that a healthy breakfast is the key to good health. Good breakfast boosts our energy, increases the attention span and provides enough calories to start our day successfully. If we skip breakfast we can experience short attention span, low blood sugar, low productivity at work, and lack of alertness and all these things further deteriorate our overall quality of life.
Still most of us skip breakfast. Sometimes we think that skipping breakfast will help in reducing weight. But the truth is exactly the opposite. If we eat a nutritious and balanced breakfast we will feel full and satiated for a long time. The breakfast will kick start our metabolism and more calories will be burnt translating into weight loss. Feeling of satiation will prevent us from snacking at odd hours. We can derive the above stated benefits only when we eat a balanced meal in the morning.
A nutritious breakfast can take good care of your heart too. All you have to do is choose your food carefully. Your breakfast should contain high fibers, good cholesterol and it should be low in fat and bad cholesterol. This will keep your heart healthy.
A Quaker oats meal incorporates most of the good qualities of a breakfast. Quaker oats are whole grain food. They are high in fibers and low in fat. Most nutritionists tell you to eat fresh fruits in the morning. You can add fresh fruits to your Quaker oats breakfast to enhance both its value and taste. Repeated studies have shown that eating a high-fiber breakfast can also help in lowering the cholesterol level. Even the American Heart Association (AHA) recommends the same. According to the AHA we should include about 25-30 grams of fiber each day from whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and legumes in our food. So when it comes to heart-healthy breakfasts, follow the simple habits mentioned above. When you buy packaged food try to develop a habit of reading labels.
You can start your day’s first meal with Quaker oats as one of the cornerstones of a heart-healthy diet. It has high fibers and can be prepared in no time since most of us are rushed in the morning. Oatmeal consists of soluble fibers that keep the cholesterol level low. Quaker oats are low in saturated fat too so all the more reason to include it into your healthy heart breakfast.