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Tuesday, February 21, 2012


What is homogenization and does it detract from the healthfulness of milk?
With the first sale of homogenized milk occurring in the state of Connecticut in 1919, U.S. consumers have become accustomed to milk in a physical state very different from its natural one. Natural milk is an oil-in-water emulsion, and like all emulsions, milk is unstable; if left to sit over time, its oil (fat) portion will rise to the top of its water portion and form a cream layer. The formation of a cream layer at the top of the milk would occur in all of our store-bought milk if the milk were not homogenized.
The process of homogenization, where milk is passed through a valve under high pressure, breaks apart milk's fat into much smaller droplets only 0.2 to 2 microns in size. Unlike the larger, natural fat droplets found in milk, these pressure-created micro-droplets will stay dispersed, creating the more "cohesive" texture we are used to in milk.
Beginning in the 1960's and continuing through the 1980's, an M.D. named Kurt Oster published a series of articles questioning the health safety of homogenized milk and hypothesized a connection between homogenization and the development of heart disease. According to Oster's hypothesis, an enzyme called xanthine oxidase (XO) was naturally associated with the fat globules in milk. He theorized that homogenization trapped XO in the new micro-droplets and prevented this enzyme from being metabolized in the digestive tract. Oster was convinced that because of homogenization unmetabolized XO was being absorbed from the digestive tract into the bloodstream where it could trigger immune reactions and cause damage to blood vessel walls. The result was described as plaque formation-the very same plaque formation that gives rise to atherosclerosis in many adults.
Research studies have yet to conclusively prove or disprove Oster's hypothesis. There continues to be strong interest in XO, however, and its relationship to heart problems. But the contribution of homogenization to these problems is still a research hypothesis and not a research conclusion.
For those who are looking for alternatives to homogenized milk, nonhomogenized cow's milk is becoming increasingly available in the U.S. Additionally, goat's milk may be of interest since it often requires no homogenization because its fat droplets are smaller to begin with and remain better dispersed in the liquid portion of the milk. I support the consumption of these nonhomogenized forms of milk, even though I have not seen research that confirms the connection between homogenization and risk of heart disease, or the mechanism of XO damage.
In the absence of better research, it's impossible for me to take a stand against the consumption of homogenized milk for health reasons. Yet, I recognize the more natural composition of nonhomogenized milk, and I support its availability and consumption since homogenization is a processing step that takes us away from the natural form of whole milk. It's one that's carried out for convenience and texture, not for nourishment or safety.

Facts oabout the Facebook.

1) 1 in every 13 people on Earth is on Facebook.
2) 85%+ of all college students use FACEBOOK and 70% of them log in EVERYDAY.
3) People spend over 700 billion minutes per month on Facebook
4) Psychologists have introduced a diagnosis FAD (Facebook Addiction Disorder) as a new kind of addiction
5) More than 60 % of men and women have used Facebook to stalk their ex.
6) In 1 hour 3,000,000 links are shared on Facebook.
7) In 1 hour 4,452,000 event invites are posted.
8) In 1 hour 3,969,000 photos are tagged.
9) In 1 hour 5,553,000 status updates are entered.
10) In 1 hour 6 million friend requests are accepted.
11) In 1 hour 8,148,000 photos are uploaded.
12) In 1 hour 8,148,000 messages are sent.
13) In 1 hour 31 million comments are posted.
14) In 1 hour 4,761,000 wall posts are written.
15) No doubt, Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg is going to reap billions from this IPO. But his salary is set to drop. Currently, he makes a base salary of $500,000 per year. But at his request his annual salary will be set to $1 as of January 1, 2013.
16) Facebook links about sex are shared 90% more than average.
17) Facebook was almost shut down by a lawsuit by ConnectU who claimed that Zuckerburg stole the idea and Technology for Facebook (the issue was settled out of court).
18) According to a research, people in Facebook relationships are happier than single people.
19) Over 25% of users have already been dumped via Facebook.
20) Facebook causes 1 in 5 Divorces.
21) 36% of users check Facebook, Twitter or texts after sex.
22) People that use Facebook on their mobile devices are twice as active on Facebook than non-mobile users.
23) In 2008, a 23-year-old woman named Lauren Michaels created a group titled “I Need Sex” on Facebook. Within 10 minutes, she had 35 members and soon attracted 100—50 of whom she eventually slept with. Facebook has since removed her page.
24) A 39-year-old Pennsylvania father was arrested for openly asking his 13-year-old daughter for sex over Facebook.
25) The first person to invest in Facebook was the cofounder of PayPal, Peter Thiel, who invested $500,000 in June 2004.

25 Interesting facts about Facebook

2010 Robert G. Edwards Nobel Prize winner in 2010

Medicine Nobel Prize 2010 Winner: Robert Edwards

British scientist, Robert G. Edwards has been awarded this year's Nobel prize in Medicine or Physiology for the development of human in vitro fertilization (IVF) therapy. The decision to honour him with the Nobel prize was disclosed on Monday by the Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet of Stockholm, Sweden for his achievements that made it possible to treat infertility, a medical condition afflicting a large proportion of humanity including more than 10% of all couples worldwide.
As early as the 1950s, Edwards had the vision that IVF could be useful as a treatment for infertility. He worked systematically to realize his goal, discovered important principles for human fertilization, and succeeded in accomplishing fertilization of human egg cells in test tubes (or more precisely, cell culture dishes). His efforts were finally crowned by success on 25 July, 1978, when the world's first "test tube baby" was born. During the following years, Edwards and his co-workers refined IVF technology and shared it with colleagues around the world.
Approximately four million individuals have so far been born following IVF. Many of them are now adult and some have already become parents. A new field of medicine has emerged, with Robert Edwards leading the process all the way from the fundamental discoveries to the current, successful IVF therapy. His contributions represent a milestone in the development of modern medicine.

Infertility – a medical and psychological problem: More than 10% of all couples worldwide are infertile. For many of them, this is a great disappointment and for some causes lifelong psychological trauma. Medicine has had limited opportunities to help these individuals in the past. Today, the situation is entirely different. In vitro fertilization (IVF) is an established therapy when sperm and egg cannot meet inside the body.

Basic research bears fruitThe British scientist Robert Edwards began his fundamental research on the biology of fertilization in the 1950s. He soon realized that fertilization outside the body could represent a possible treatment of infertility. Other scientists had shown that egg cells from rabbits could be fertilized in test tubes when sperm was added, giving rise to offspring. Edwards decided to investigate if similar methods could be used to fertilize human egg cells.

It turned out that human eggs have an entirely different life cycle than those of rabbits. In a series of experimental studies conducted together with several different co-workers, Edwards made a number of fundamental discoveries. He clarified how human eggs mature, how different hormones regulate their maturation, and at which time point the eggs are susceptible to the fertilizing sperm. He also determined the conditions under which sperm is activated and has the capacity to fertilize the egg. In 1969, his efforts met with success when, for the first time, a human egg was fertilized in a test tube.
In spite of this success, a major problem remained. The fertilized egg did not develop beyond a single cell division. Edwards suspected that eggs that had matured in the ovaries before they were removed for IVF would function better, and looked for possible ways to obtain such eggs in a safe way.

From experiment to clinical medicine: Edwards contacted the gynecologist Patrick Steptoe. He became the clinician who, together with Edwards, developed IVF from experiment to practical medicine. Steptoe was one of the pioneers in laparoscopy, a technique that was new and controversial at the time. It allows inspection of the ovaries through an optical instrument. Steptoe used the laparoscope to remove eggs from the ovaries and Edwards put the eggs in cell culture and added sperm. The fertilized egg cells now divided several times and formed early embryos, 8 cells in size (see figure).

These early studies were promising but the Medical Research Council decided not to fund a continuation of the project. However, a private donation allowed the work to continue. The research also became the topic of a lively ethical debate that was initiated by Edwards himself. Several religious leaders, ethicists, and scientists demanded that the project be stopped, while others gave it their support.

The birth of Louise Brown - a historic event: Edwards and Steptoe could continue their research thanks to the new donation. By analyzing the patients' hormone levels, they could determine the best time point for fertilization and maximize the chances for success. In 1978, Lesley and John Brown came to the clinic after nine years of failed attempts to have a child. IVF treatment was carried out, and when the fertilized egg had developed into an embryo with 8 cells, it was returned to Mrs. Brown. A healthy baby, Louise Brown, was born through Caesarian section after a full-term pregnancy, on 25 July, 1978. IVF had moved from vision to reality and a new era in medicine had begun.

IVF is refined and spreads around the world: Edwards and Steptoe established the Bourn Hall Clinic in Cambridge, the world's first centre for IVF therapy. Steptoe was its medical director until his death in 1988, and Edwards was its head of research until his retirement. Gynecologists and cell biologists from all around the world trained at Bourn Hall, where the methods of IVF were continuously refined. By 1986, 1,000 children had already been born following IVF at Bourn Hall, representing approximately half of all children born after IVF in the world at that time.

Today, IVF is an established therapy throughout the world. It has undergone several important improvements. For example, single sperm can be microinjected directly into the egg cell in the culture dish. This method has improved the treatment of male infertility by IVF. Furthermore, mature eggs suitable for IVF can be identified by ultrasound and removed with a fine syringe rather than through the laparoscope.
IVF is a safe and effective therapy. 20-30% of fertilized eggs lead to the birth of a child. Complications include premature births but are very rare, particularly when one egg only is inserted into the mother. Long-term follow-up studies have shown that IVF children are as healthy as other children.
Approximately four million individuals have been born thanks to IVF. Louise Brown and several other IVF children have given birth to children themselves; this is probably the best evidence for the safety and success of IVF therapy. Today, Robert Edwards' vision is a reality and brings joy to infertile people all over the world.
Biography: Robert G. Edwards was born in 1925 in Manchester, England. After military service in the Second World War, he studied biology at the University of Wales in Bangor and at Edinburgh University in Scotland, where he received his PhD in 1955 with a Thesis on embryonal development in mice. He became a staff scientist at the National Institute for Medical Research in London in 1958 and initiated his research on the human fertilization process. From 1963, Edwards worked in Cambridge, first at its university and later at Bourn Hall Clinic, the world's first IVF centre, which he founded together with Patrick Steptoe. Edwards was its research director for many years and he was also the editor of several leading scientific journals in the area of fertilization. Robert Edwards is currently professor emeritus at the University of Cambridge.


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