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Monday, February 1, 2010

Sushrutha gives us a classification of bones and their reaction to injuries.The types of dislocations and fractures is systematically described.(Sandhimuktha and Kandabhagna).

He has described the various principles of fracture tretment like reduction, apposition, rest, healing and also the principles of rehabilitation.

Since war was and still is the major cause of injuries they have been described seperately as Salya tantra.

Sushrutha Samita, one of the books written by by Sushrutha is the foudation stone of Ayurveda (literally the science of life). The other compendium is written by Charaka and is known as the Charaka Samhita. Sushruthas compendium is based on that of his teacher Divodasa Dhanvanthri. Sushrutha himself is the son of Vedic sage Visvamitra. His writings are dated about 100AD. Unlike the Charaka's compendium Sushruta has devoted a number of chapters on surgery and emphasised the need for careful dissection before becoming a surgeon.